Contact your local WIC Nutrition Center. Or, call the MFHS call center at 1-866-WIC-TIME (942-8463) to find the closest center to you and make an appointment. You can also fill out a pre-application online.
WIC food benefits are issued on an eWIC card that you can take to the grocery store to purchase nutritious foods for your family. With the eWIC card, shopping for WIC foods is quick, easy, and convenient.
1) Bring documentation of your family’s income and Medicaid, TANF or SNAP benefit cards if you are receiving these benefits. Bring income documents for everybody in your family who works or has a source of income. Examples of documentation are: paycheck stubs, recent tax returns, or a letter from your employer. All applicants are required to provide proof of income.
2) Bring identification for all adult applicants like a driver’s license or other ID. For children, an ID can be a birth certificate or other document with the child’s name, such a hospital crib card, medical card or immunization record.
3) Bring documentation for where you live such as a utility bill, rent receipt, or business letter.
4) Bring your infant and / or children under age 5 whom you would like to enroll in WIC. If you are pregnant, bring a due date note or proof of pregnancy from your doctor.
Click here for a printable list of what to bring to your appointment.
Remember, bringing all the requested items can help shorten your appointment time.
You or your child will undergo a simple health screening to determine nutritional risk. You will also receive nutrition education, referrals for other services if needed, and you will be provided with an eWIC card to take to the grocery store to buy nutritious foods.
Most people come to the WIC center once every 2-3 months. This depends on both your needs and your WIC center schedule. When you first enroll in the WIC Program, you will discuss your schedule with the WIC Nutritionist.
During your WIC appointment, you will receive an eWIC card that contains a specific food package benefit for members of your family who qualify for the WIC Program. The food benefits for all qualifying members of your household will be on one eWIC card. You will also receive a print out at the WIC Center listing the benefit balance that is on the card. You can take the eWIC card to any WIC approved grocery store to purchase the specific foods in the quantities listed on the benefit balance print out. You can view the Food List in English and Spanish on the WIC Shopper App and below.
WIC Food List English
WIC Food List Spanish
View videos below on utilizing the eWIC card:
To find a WIC approved grocery store near you, visit the PA Bureau of WIC.
The WIC Shopper App is available to download on your smartphone. The app that lets you access the WIC food list, WIC approved grocery store locations, recipes using WIC foods, and much more. You can also use the app to scan WIC foods to see if they are WIC approved. To download the app, click here for iPhones and click here for Android.
Fathers of children under age five are encouraged to enroll their children in the WIC program. Fathers can bring their children to appointments, attend nutrition education sessions, and utilize the eWIC card to purchase food for their children. Active participation by fathers is a great help in keeping WIC children healthy. Fathers can serve as the endorser for their children on WIC, or as a proxy. A proxy is a person who acts on behalf of a WIC endorser and is authorized to utilize the eWIC card.
You can apply on behalf of your foster child if he or she is under five years of age. Income is based on the amount of income you receive for the foster child. He or she counts as a family of one in those cases where the Welfare agency is legally responsible for the child and the foster home is an extension of the Welfare agency.
In most cases, if you are a teen parent, you must count all of the income of your household when determining if you are eligible for WIC.
If you are a grandparent who has custody of a grandchild under age 5, you may apply on their behalf. If you do not have custody, you may accompany your grandchildren and their parent(s) to the WIC appointment and you may become a proxy. A proxy is a person who acts on behalf of the WIC parent/caretaker and is authorized to utilize the eWIC card.
No. Selling or trading of WIC foods is illegal. If you suspect someone of abusing the WIC program, please call 1-800-WIC-WINS.
If your employer pays you in cash, or you are receiving other cash contributions to your household, please print out the forms below and return them to your WIC office after having them filled out.
Verification of Cash Income Form
Verification of Cash Contribution Form
When completed, these forms can be uploaded to our secure document portal and our staff will add them to your file.
The WIC Document Portal is a secure website that will allow you to upload documents that are commonly required during a WIC visit. The portal works on mobile and desktop devices, and you can upload multiple common files types (PDF, images, etc). Use the portal whenever you have to upload files like: formula prescriptions, verification of income or employment, verification of your address, heights and weights, bloodwork, and more.
Information from the Abbott Similac formula recall and related shortages can be found on this page.