Penn East FCU Donates 14,000 Diapers and Baby Wipes to Families in Need

June 11, 2024, Lackawanna County, PA – Maternal and Family Health Services (MFHS) is pleased to announce that a Mother’s Day Diaper Drive organized by Penn East Federal Credit Union collected 7,500 diapers, 7,000 baby wipes, 177 baby outfits, and $2,000 in cash donations for the families enrolled in their Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) Program.
The Penn East FCU Community Involvement Committee (CIC) coordinated the activity at all five Penn East FCU branches during the month of April, with the goal of collecting over 2,000 diapers.
“We are so grateful to the staff and customers of Penn East FCU for supporting our Nurse-Family Partnership clients,” said MFHS President and CEO, Maria Montoro Edwards, PhD, “The response was incredible, and will make such a difference to the at-risk mothers and children we serve.”
The Nurse-Family Partnership program pairs specially trained nurses with at risk, often young, mothers-to-be, beginning early in the pregnancy and continuing until the child’s second birthday. NFP nurses help families prepare for their child, and help them lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits.
Penn East has been an integral part of the community in Lackawanna to, Luzerne, and Wyoming counties for over eighty years. Penn East FCU’s team believes that by assisting and being involved in their membership counties, they can help to create and be a part of a more positive future for Northeastern Pennsylvania. Through the diaper drive, the community-minded credit has made a positive impact in the lives of the local families that MFHS serves.
Back Row: David Saxton, AVP of Marketing Penn East FCU; Debbie Rutkoski, NFP Nurse; Catherine Evans, NFP Nurse; Tammy Gibbons, NFP Nurse; Debra Broccardi, NFP Nurse; Debbie Rutkoski, Kristen Owens, NFP Program Assistant; Regina Brodeur, NFP Nurse; Lori Phillips, NFP Nurse; Lorianne Masi, NFP Nurse; Mary Amico, NFP Nurse; Lynn Mylet, NFP Nurse; and Elizabeth Cassidy, NFP Nurse.
Front Row: Lynn Laurie, NFP Nurse Supervisor; Marie C Beggin, CEO of Penn East FCU; Ann Jones, Director of NFP; Ann Marie Jennings, NFP Nurse Supervisor.
About Penn East Federal Credit Union: “Have a positive impact on our members, our community, and each other.” That is the common thread that goes across all of Penn East FCU’s endeavors. With over eighty-five years in business, 24,000 members, and five branches, the community-oriented credit union is a vital part of Northeastern Pennsylvania, providing trusted financial solutions, integrity, and reliability.
About Maternal Family Health Services: Maternal and Family Health Services is a non-profit health and human service organization working to improve the health of Pennsylvania women and children by offering programs that prevent disease, promote wellness, and empower individuals to make healthy lifestyle choices. The agency oversees a network of health and nutrition centers in 17 Pennsylvania counties serving nearly 90,000 individuals each year through the following core programs: WIC Nutrition Program, Family Planning Program, Nurse-Family Partnership, the SafeTeens Initiative, and the Healthy Beginnings Plus Prenatal Program. For more information, call 1-800-367-6347, or visit