NEPA Match Day 2018

Maternal and Family Health Services is excited to be apart of the Scranton Area Community Foundation’s NEPA Match Day collective. This is the fourth year that we are honored to be included in this day dedicated to helping nonprofits who serve people in Lackawanna County. On NEPA Match Day, the foundation will match up to $1,000 of donations made to each nonprofit in the collective. The great consideration of the Scranton Area Foundation and the NEPA Match Day initiative encourages growth and additional impact for the organizations involved. Every year, through the generous donations made to these organizations, we are able to improve the lives of the people we proudly serve.
Here is a list of the 25 wonderful nonprofits that comprise the 2018 collective:
1. Alzheimer’s Association- Greater PA Chapter
2. Catherine McAuley Center
3. Children’s Advocacy Center of Northeastern Pennsylvania
4. Countryside Conservancy
5. Dress for Success Lackawanna
7. Everhart Museum
8. Greater Carbondale YMCA
9. Greater Scranton YMCA
10. Lackawanna Heritage Valley National and State Heritage Area
11. Indraloka Animal Sanctuary
12. Jewish Family Service of Northeastern Pennsylvania
13. Junior League of Scranton
14. Lacawac Sanctuary Field Station & Environmental Education Center
15. Lackawanna Pro Bono
16. Leadership Lackawanna
17. Marley’s Mission
18. Maternal and Family Health Services
19. Meals on Wheels Community Services of NEPA
20. NEPA Rainbow Alliance
21. Northeast Regional Cancer Institute
22. Scranton Cultural Center at the Masonic Temple
23. The Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania
24. United Neighborhood Centers of Northeastern Pennsylvania
25. Women’s Resource Center
On May 4th, your donation to our region will have double the impact. Donations made to the Scranton Area Foundation on NEPA Match Day will be shared equally among the collective. Visit the Scranton Area Foundation website to learn more about NEPA Match Day.