MFHS Reaches Yearly Breastfeeding Goal

Congratulations to all our WIC and Peer Counselor staff for working to promote and support breastfeeding! You helped MFHS reach our goal to increase breastfeeding incidence by 2% over the past year. The MFHS breastfeeding rate as of May 2013 is 53.4%, up from 51.4% in May of 2012. In addition, 18 of the 32 MFHS WIC Centers have individual breastfeeding rates above the 53.4% agency wide rate. The highest breastfeeding incidence rate in the MFHS network belongs to the Lansdale WIC Nutrition Center in Montgomery County with 72.15%.
While we still have a way to go to meet the federal Healthy People 2020 breastfeeding incidence goal of 81.9%, we have made great progress over the past few years, with more than half of the women we serve on WIC choosing to breastfeed. Thank you to all of our staff for all of your hard work in meeting this goal!