House Funding Bill Eliminates Bedrock Public Health Program

From the National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association: House funding bill eliminates bedrock public health program.
Two of the Members of Congress that represent the MFHS service area are on the House Appropriations Committee and could speak out against this harmful provision. We are asking MFHS supporters to contact Rep. Dent (202-225-6411) or Rep. Cartwright (202-225-5546) You can call the representative’s office and let the staffer know that they need to oppose all cuts to Title X and want their representative to advocate for the program during the committee’s debate on the bill.
Here is a sample script:
“My name is [NAME] and I live in/or work in [CITY]. I am a strong supporter of the Maternal and Family Health Services Title X family planning program and want the representative to ensure that funding for the program is put back in the appropriations bill when it comes to the full committee for consideration. Thank you for your help.”
Please share with your network and encourage them to contact Rep. Dent (202-225-6411) or Rep. Cartwright (202-225-5546) if they are constituents.
Your voice matters now more than ever. Thank you.