Healthy Tips for Moms and their Babies

MFHS would like to wish all the moms and moms-to-be a healthy and happy Mother’s Day!
Being a mother is one of life’s greatest gifts. Whether you are currently a mother or a mom-to-be, it’s important to cherish that gift, keeping you and your family as healthy and happy as possible.
As a mother, you must make positive parenting choices during and after pregnancy. Making good choices is about providing you and your children with the best life possible, building strong and positive relationships with children of any age. MFHS offers several programs that help you make healthy and positive choices for you and the little one in your life.
The following are some positive choices you can make to keep you and your child healthy and happy this Mother’s Day and every day:
-Develop a Healthy Nutrition Plan: Although the lack of weight gain concerns during pregnancy may cause you to overindulge on fast food and snacks, it is important to maintain a healthy diet during those nine months. Keep in mind that everything you eat, the baby eats.
Another benefit of making healthy food choices during pregnancy is getting into the habit of eating better. Once the baby comes, you will already have healthy eating habits developed that you can carry over into their diet as well. MFHS’s WIC Nutrition Program provides useful nutrition information as well as food vouchers that allow you to make better food choices for you and your child.
-Be Active with your Child: Although the life of a new mother tends to be hectic, it is important to always make time to give your child the attention they need. During the early stages of a child’s life, they learn a lot of things strictly by being observant. Talk to your baby as much as possible and make time to play with them. These interactions will stimulate their mind, in turn helping them develop more quickly. MFHS’s Nurse Family Partnership is a program that can help first-time mothers learn the skills needed to successfully interact with their children.
-Pay Attention to Your Baby’s “Coos” and Keep up to Date on Checkups: It is important to know how to react to different noises and expressions your baby makes. A child can’t communicate if they are feelings sick or hurt, so it’s important to keep up to date on their checkups and immunizations and make sure they are the healthiest they can be.
A child’s bond with their mother lasts a lifetime. Keep these tips in mind to assure that lifetime is healthy and happy for the both of you.