Happy Hour Fundraiser on May 3rd

Join MFHS with our friends from Pepperjam, Nexstar Broadcasting and Rodano’s for a happy hour with a purpose on May 3rd!
Rodano’s will be donating all tips and a portion of sales to MFHS as part of NEPA Match Day, an initiative of the Scranton Area Foundation. The evening will feature bartenders from Pepperjam and Dave Kuharchik from WBRE/WYOU.
All donations will be DOUBLED by the Scranton Area Foundation during this event for NEPA Match Day. But what is #NEPAMatchDay? The Scranton Area Community Foundation has assembled a fantastic group of 25 nonprofit agencies serving the people of Lackawanna County that have volunteered to be part of the 2017 NEPA Match Day collective. Maternal & Family Health Services is proud to be one of these 25 non-profits in 2017.
Every dollar you donate to one of the participating partners, the Scranton Area Community Foundation will match your donation…dollar-for-dollar
You can donate to MFHS during this happy hour, and can also visit the Scranton Area Foundation’s website to find out how to donate to any member of the collective for Match Day.
Here is the full list of non-profits participating in this year’s Match Day:
Abington Community Library
AFA Gallery
Alzheimer’s Association
Boys & Girls Clubs of NEPA
Children’s Advocacy Center of NEPA
Dress for Success Lackawanna
Greater Carbondale YMCA
Greater Scranton YMCA
Indraloka Animal Sanctuary
Jewish Family Service of NEPA
Lacawac Sanctuary Field Station and Environmental Education Center
Lackawanna Historical Society
Make-a-Wish Greater PA & WV
Marley’s Mission
Maternal & Family Health Services
Meals on Wheels of NEPA
Northeast Regional Cancer Institute
Scranton Cultural Center
Scranton Fringe Festival
The Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania
The Greenhouse Project
United Neighborhood Centers
Valley Community Library
West Scranton Hyde Park Neighborhood Watch
Women’s Resource Center