WIC Nutrition Program Expands Income Guidelines

Maternal and Family Health Services announced that the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program has expanded income guidelines allowing more families to participate in the free nutrition education program.
According to the new income guidelines for WIC, a family of four could earn $42,643 annually and qualify for WIC. For a family of three, the income limit is $35,317 to qualify, and a family of two can earn up to $27,991 and qualify for nutrition assistance. A complete list of income guidelines is below.
The WIC Nutrition Program is funded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture and provides nutrition education and access to healthy foods for pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, as well as infants and children under 5. To qualify, participants must meet the income guidelines, have a nutritional or medical need, and live in Pennsylvania.
WIC provides participants with supplemental healthy foods which contain vital nutrients essential for healthy development during critical growth periods, such as pregnancy, infancy and early childhood.
WIC is the nation’s premier public health and nutrition education program with an overall goal to influence lifetime nutrition through positive health behaviors. In addition to vouchers for nutritious foods, WIC participants receive nutrition education, breastfeeding support, immunization record checks, iron deficiency screening, farmer’s market vouchers, and referrals for other health and social services.
Maternal and Family Health Services offers the WIC Nutrition Program in 16 counties of Northeast PA, serving over 55,000 women, infants and children each month. To find a location near you, visit mfhs.org or call 1-800-367-6347.