MFHS is here for you — and your baby!
Every breastfeeding journey is unique, and we want to help you reach your breastfeeding goals, whatever they may be.
MFHS offers breastfeeding support and guidance through our WIC Nutrition Program, Nurse-Family Partnership Program, and Maternity Program. These programs are staffed by specially trained Nutritionists, Nurses, Certified Lactation Counselors (CLCs), and Peer Educators who have expertise in breastfeeding and are able to offer valuable information and resources to promote and support your breastfeeding efforts.
Our team is trained extensively on techniques to promote and support your breastfeeding efforts. Some of the topics covered include:
- Advantages of breastfeeding for mother and baby
- How to breastfeed
- Helpful hints and where to find trusted resources online
- Problem solving techniques
- Referrals for additional breastfeeding help or solutions to specific breastfeeding issues
To learn more about the breastfeeding support available through MFHS programs, please call (570) 273-1288.
In addition to the breastfeeding support available through the WIC, NFP, and Maternity programs, MFHS offers the following free resources:
- Free online resources for breastfeeding support and education through our digital education library – Watch the videos here.
- Free breastfeeding support groups and classes, including during pregnancy and after delivery classes. – View the class schedule here.
- Visit our MFHS blog for informative articles to support your breastfeeding journey. – Read more here.

P.S. — Breastfeeding support and lactation counseling sessions aren’t just for moms who are currently breastfeeding. Getting educated and empowered before baby is born is so important for moms-to-be and expectant parents. Let’s help you make a plan now and gain confidence as you prepare for parenthood and breastfeeding.