EPSDT Well Baby Check-ups

Have you chosen a pediatrician to care for your baby? MFHS offers Early and Perioditc Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Well Baby Check-Ups in partnership with Dr. Linda Thomas-Hemak and the Wright Center for Primary Care Mid Valley.

FREE well-child check-ups are available at our MFHS Circle of Care, Scranton for MA eligible babies and children. Dr. Thomas -Hemak and Associates will see your baby in the hospital as soon as they are born. You will then bring your baby to MFHS Circle of Care, Scranton, for their well baby check-ups. Should your child get sick, they will be seen in Dr. Thomas-Hemak’s primary care office in Jermyn.

EPSDT Well Baby Check-ups will include:

  • An unclothed physical exam
  • Child and family medical history
  • Blood tests including lead levels
  • Hearing and vision testing
  • Any immunizations that are needed
  • Referrals to dentists
  • Questions and advice about your child’s growth inclulding how they crawl, walk, talk and eat

With EPSDT at MFHS Circle of Care, your child will also get referrals for treatment for any special health conditions your doctor may find during the well child visit.


MFHS Circle of Care
820 South Washington Ave.
Scranton, PA 18505-3808
Phone: 570-595-4496

For more information, Call 570-595-4496

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